Arrowhead Plant Wilting And Dropping Leaves

Arrowhead plant is also known as American evergreen and nephthytis (Syngonium podophyllum). A lot of emails came to me asking why is my arrowhead plant wilting and dropping leaves.

In this article, I will lay down the factors that may cause the arrowhead vine to wilt and drop its leaves.

And I will discuss the solution to each factor.

But before diving deep into the detail I will put the answer for our main question as simple as this: why arrowhead plant wilting and dropping its leaves? Arrowhead plants wilt and drop their leaves either because of underwatering or overwatering or the lack of humidity.

Keep reading to know how to tell what exactly causing your plant to wilt.

Causes that make arrowhead plant wilt and drop leaves


This is the most common reason that makes your plant wilt and drop its leaves. When your plant does not drink enough water the both stem and the leaves wilt and drop.

What gives the arrowhead plant the upright shape is water. You can tell whether the cause is underwatering or another reason by reviewing your watering schedule.

If you allow the soil to dry out completely for a long period of time most properly your arrowhead plant wilted because of underwatering.

In such a case soak the soil until the water starts to drain from the drainage holes.

Make sure that all excess water drained before putting your plant in its decorative pot if you are using one.

There is no specific watering schedule that will work for everyone because the conditions differ from one place to another.

The simple thing you can do in order to make sure that you watering your arrowhead plant the right way is to water your plant only when the top two inches dry.

You can check the soil by using your finger. And when you water it do it thoroughly until the water drains from the drainage holes.


The first thought that comes to anyone when he sees his plant wilting is to give it water.

But be careful, your plant may suffer from overwatering. When the arrowhead plant-soil became soggy and saturated with water the roots rot.

The rot hinders the roots from absorbing enough amount of water in order to supply the stem and the leaves.

So the symptoms of underwatering and overwatering are the same. Therefore review your watering schedule.

If you water your plant too often without allowing the soil to dry out a little bit between each watering most properly the wilting because of overwatering.

In such a case allow the top two inches of the soil to dry before you water it. keep watering your plant whenever the top two inches of the soil is dry for three weeks.

If there is no improvement! your plant may suffer from severe root rot. In such a case read my article about how to deal with root rot.

Lack of humidity

The third reason why your arrowhead plant wilting and dropping leaves is the lack of humidity.

Arrowhead vine is native to the rain forests, it climbs tall trees. In the rainforests the weather is humid.

Therefore if your arrowhead plant located near a heating device that dries the air most probably your plant suffering from a low humidity level.

I wrote a whole article about how to increase the humidity level for your arrowhead plant. If the humidity is the problem read that article and follow its tips.

In conclusion

In this article, I hope I answered the question:” why arrowhead plant wilting and dropping leaves” The cause of wilting and leaves drop can be either by underwatering or overwatering or the lack of enough humidity. Make sure to know the real cause in order to take the right action.

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