Can Wisteria Grow In Shade

You found a perfect spot in your garden for growing wisteria. But it is a shaded spot. And your wondering: can wisteria grow in shade!

In this article, I will tell you whether wisteria can grow in shade or not. Plus I will tell you where to grow your wisteria in order to get the best lighting.

But before diving deep into the details I will put the answer for our main question as simple as this: can wisteria grow in shade? Wisteria can grow in shade, but it will not flowers well. It will grow and flower in a location that gets six hours of direct sunlight. Although some varieties of wisteria can grow and flower in partial shade.

Keep reading to know why wisteria needs direct sunlight. And to know the varieties that can grow and flower in partial shade.

Why wisteria needs sunlight

Wisteria needs sunlight in order to produce its food through a process called photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis is the process by which the plant turning water and carbon dioxide into the plant’s food (sugar).

The secret to successful gardening is to know how your plant lives in its natural habitat. Then trying to mimic its natural habitat in your garden as much as you can.

In its natural habitat, wisteria gets plenty of direct sunlight during the day. So your wisteria is not an exception.

Although some varieties can grow well in partial shade. I will discuss those varieties in the below section.

Wisteria varieties that can grow in partial shade

There are two majors wisteria classifications. The first category is the one that native to Asia. They go by the names: Japanese wisteria and Chinese wisteria.

Those are the wisteria species that can grow and even bloom in part shade.

But they are considered by many US states invasive vines. They grow so fast and aggressively. Also, they will not tolerate frost.

Frost damages their flower buds. If you want to grow such types plan well for their high growth rate and invasiveness.

And make sure to give them strong supporters because wisteria becomes heavy as it measures.

And don’t panic if they don’t bloom within the first few years. If you bought it from a nursery it will normally bloom after three years. While if you grow it from seed it may take ten years to bloom.

Make sure to protect your Asian wisteria from frost if you want it to bloom in the blooming season.

The second wisteria category is the ones that native to America. American wisteria and Kentucky wisteria belong to such a category.

Those are wisterias that can survive frost because they produce flower buds in the same blooming season, unlike Asian wisteria.

But they will not flower in full or partial shade. While both American wisteria and Asian wisteria will not grow well nor flowers in full shade.

Where does wisteria grow best

The most important two factors when growing wisteria is to give it a strong supporter to climb in. A supporter which is big enough to handle its aggressive growth.

And strong enough to handle wisteria wight as it matures. The second factor is to locate it in a sunny location.

A south-facing wall or fence or whatever you choose is the best location for your wisteria. Because a south-facing object is the sunnier place in your garden.

The second best place you can grow your wisteria in it is a west-facing wall or pergola.

Because west-facing object has plenty of sunshine during the day not as much as south-facing object. But it is enough to make your vine grow well and blooms.

Avoid putting your wisteria vine in the east or north-facing walls or objects. Because on the east side the sun shines directly only a few hours in the morning.

While on the north side there is no direct sun, maybe bright indirect sunlight. It is not enough for your wisteria to thrive and be in its best shape.

In conclusion

In this article, I hope I told you the kind of light wisteria needs in order to grow well and have that hanging beautiful flowers.

If you want to grow wisteria in shade your best option is to choose a variety that native to Asia, varieties like Japanese wisteria and Chinese wisteria.

These varieties can grow in partial shade but not in full shade. Although their flowering will be dramatically reduced in partial shade.

While American and Kentucky wisteria can grow in partial shade but they will not bloom. Finally, For detailed information and a holistic perspective on caring for potted plants and mastering Container Gardening, Get my book Container Gardening: A Step-by-Step Practical Guide.

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