Do Chinese Evergreen Like Humidity?

Most plants that native to the rainforest like humidity. So you are wondering: do Chinese evergreen like humidity! In this article, I will answer this question. And I will tell you how to increase the humidity for your Chinese evergreen.

But to keep things simple, I will answer the main question as simple as this: do Chinese evergreen like humidity? Chinese evergreen will thrive and reach its genetic potential when the environment is humid. However, it will survive in the humidity level found in most indoor places. Keep reading to know why Chinese evergreen like humidity.

Why Chinese evergreen likes humidity

As I mentioned earlier, Chinese evergreen is native to the rainforest floor. In the rainforests, the weather is relatively warm and humid. The high humidity caused by rainwater evaporation.

Therefore, Chinese evergreen has evolved to adapt to such high humidity levels. The humidity allows the plant to absorb moisture from the air through its leaves.

Some plants do not like humidity, plants like succulents, and cactus. Because they native to the deserts. In deserts the humidity level is low.

Can Chinese evergreen survive low humidity?

Chinese evergreens will thrive best when the humidity level is 60% to 70%. In such a case, they will grow fast and have vibrant foliage.

But that doesn’t mean they will not make it in the indoor climate when the humidity level around 30% ( 30% is the humidity level in most homes and indoor places).

They will tolerate low humidity levels but they will not thrive at their best. Also if the environment has seriously low humidity levels the Chinese evergreen may have brown leaves edges.

This can also be a sign of some minerals accumulated in the plant soil. Also, remember that humidity level is higher during the night time when compared with day time. In winter the humidity will be way lower than in the summertime.

How to increase humidity level for your Chinese evergreen

Now you know that your Chinese evergreen loves humidity. The most logical question that will cross your mind is how to increase the humidity level.

But before telling you how to do it, you need to take into your consideration that when the climate is very humid the air-circulation should be enough.

Because, if the climate is very humid and there is no enough airflow this will encourage fungus and mold growth.

Therefore, make sure that the environment has good air circulation. Although keep your Chinese evergreen away from drafts. As drafts will damage the plant.

The following are the things you can do to increase the humidity for your plant:

Invest in a humidifier

Most houseplants like humidity because they are native to the rainforests. Investing in a good humidifier will not benefit only your Chinese evergreen.

Most of your other plants will appreciate it. Having a humidifier in your indoor environment is the easiest and most convenient way to increase the humidity level.

The humidifier releases water into the air in order to make it more humid. Just make sure to not put the humidifier directly in front of your Chinese evergreen or your other plant.

Because if the humidifier directly released the water in the plant foliage. The water may set in the foliage for a long period of time without evaporation.

Such a thing may cause foliage rot. Instead, position the humidifier in a position near enough to your plant in order to make the air humid, and far enough to prevent the water from reaching the foliage.


Misting can increase the humidity level around the Chinese evergreen plant. But not for a long period of time. Misting outdoor Chinese evergreen is more effective because in the outdoor environment the light is brighter and there is more airflow.

Such conditions will allow the misted water to evaporate throughout the day without sitting in the foliage for a long period of time and causing rot.

However, you can mist your indoor Chinese evergreen too. Just make sure to do it in the morning, and make sure the plant is exposed to bright but indirect sunlight. And there is enough air circulation for the misted water to evaporate.

Grouping your plants together

Another trick to do to increase the humidity level for your Chinese evergreen is to put it close to your other plants.

It is better to group all your houseplants that are native to the rainforests together. Keep a little distance between each plant.

Because plants release water in the air. And by being placed together they will benefit from the released water as a form of humidity.

Showering your Chinese evergreen

You can put your Chinese evergreen in the sink in order to give it a refreshing bath. The water in the foliage will increase the humidity around the plant.

But same as misting, make sure to do it during the morning and allow enough airflow in order for the water to not sit in the foliage for a long period of time and cause rot.

Putting the pot in a gravel tray

You can increase the humidity by putting the pot in a water tray that has pebbles. Put gravel or pebbles in a tray and pour water into the tray.

Fill the tray with water, but don’t let the pebbles be fully submerged with water. Then put the plant pot in the tray. It is important that the water is not reaching the pot’s drainage holes.

Because if the water reached the drainage holes your plant will root rot. This is why the tray has gravel. The gravel works as a barrier between the water and the drainage holes.

That said, This method is great because the water will evaporate, which will make the environment around the Chinese evergreen more humid.

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