Does Bird Nest Fern Need Sunlight To Grow

Bird nest fern has moderate maintenance requirements. It is not for the complete newbies. But it is a great houseplant for its light needs. So does bird nest fern need sunlight to grow well!

In this article, I will answer this question in detail. Plus I will tell you what type of light your bird nest fern actually need in order to thrive.

But before diving deep into the details I will put the answer for our main question as simple as this: does bird nest fern need sunlight to grow? Bird nest fern needs indirect sunlight in order to grow well. North or east-facing windows are the ideal indoor locations for bird nest fern. Because they get low indirect sunlight. While the ideal outdoor location is under tree shades. A place that guarded against direct sunlight.

Keep reading to know why bird nest fern needs sunlight, and how to know whether your fern struggling with light problems. And what to do in order to fix the problem.

Why bird nest fern needs sunlight to grow

All plants need some kind of light in order to produce their food Through a process called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a process of turning water and carbon dioxide into sugar ( plant’s food).

This process requires energy. So the plant using sunlight as an energy source for the food production process.

But the intensity of the required light differs from a plant to another.
Therefore, all plants including bird nest fern will die in complete darkness.

Bird nest fern is native to the tropical rainforests. In the rain forest, bird nest fern grows on other tree trunks.

In such a location it gets low indirect sunlight. So bird nest fern evolved throughout thousands of years in order to adapt to such lighting conditions.

And your plant is adapted to Indirect low sunlight. So in order for your plant to thrive give it what it needs.

How to give bird nest fern the sunlight it needs

If you want to grow your bird nest fern indoors put it in a location that gets low to medium indirect sunlight.

North facing window is the optimal spot for your bird nest fern. Because in the north there is low light.

But make sure to let a good space between the plant pot and the window glass in order to save the plant from the glass heat.

The second-best location for your indoor bird nest fern is an east-facing window.

Avoid putting your plant in the south or west-facing windows. Because in such sides the intensity of sunlight is too high for your bird nest fern.

Signs your fern is not getting enough sunlight

Bird nest fern is one of the houseplants that can tolerate low light. But how we can tell if it is too low!

In case your fern is exposed to too little sunlight its leaves color will become pale instead of vibrant green.

And the leaves will become more flat instead of crinkle. In such a case move your plant to a place that has brighter indirect sunlight.

If your place is dark and you don’t have access to north nor east-facing windows consider installing grow light.

Signs your fern is exposed to too much sunlight

Your fern will not tolerate indirect nor too bright indirect sunlight. If your plant leaves start to yellow and became too crinkled that means it suffers from sun burn.

Move your plant to a location that guarded against direct sunlight especially the afternoon sunlight.

Although your fern will tolerate and love the very morning sunlight. But this is the only exception.

Also, too bright indirect sunlight will result in similar signs. Therefore place your fern away from the south and west-facing windows if you growing it indoors.

In conclusion

In this article, I hope I answered the question: “does bird nest fern need sunlight to grow”. Simply, bird nest fern needs low indirect sunlight in order to grow well.

A north or east-facing window is ideal for indoor bird nest fern. While a spot that guarded against direct sunlight is ideal for outdoor bird nest fern.

But it is also important that the temperature degrees do not fall below 50 F. Because such temperatures will cause fern death.

If you live in a place that has such temperatures during winter it is better to bring your fern indoors.

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